Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Awesome Stuff of the Day

I keep running across cool stuff today, like this pool porch (random Pinterest find -- no URL or anything.  It's probably a photoshopped scam, but if I say that a fairy will probably die or something - or DHEC will make a rule against porch pools - So I'll just say isn't that AWESOME???

Then I was gawking Inspired to Share's post on treehouses.  One day, I will sleep in a treehouse.  Somehow.

Then I ate an avocado and licked the pit clean.

superdelish, y'all.

Then I came upon Loops of Lavender, a lovely blog of loveliness.  Check her out!

And finally, I heard that McDonald's small frappes are a buck each till the 26th.

happy Tuesday, folks! :)

1 comment:

Clemence - Oh The Lovely Things said...

These treehouses are so pretty! I love them all, and I think the first one is calling my name ;)
The pool porch is absolutely amazing. I found a post about it : http://www.homeinterior-design.com/2012/02/indian-skyscraper-replaces-balconies-with-glass-pools/
It's actually under construction in Mumbai, India. So awesome!